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I loved the game, but I want to report a bug.

I collected some cars, started the contract to accumulate US$5,000 in cards and I did it successfully. However, when I try to sign another contract, it will not be accepted at all. The button has no action on hover.

Despite the problem, this game has a huge variety of cars, including some from Brazil, I swear I got excited. The game is very fun and has great potential.

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In the current state, it was only possible to resolve it by saving the game, closing, opening again and loading the game after opening it again, but when completing the contracts for the new game session, the problem occurs again.

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Sorry, it was only now that I read the known issues.

By the way, where is the game's savegame? I am using Windows 11.

hello! Thank you for enjoying the game. The issue with quest completion is indeed known, and I’ve been intermittently poking away at a fix, but I’ve struggled to pin down the root of the issue.

The save game uses local storage as this was originally a browser game, so it relies on your browser 

I posted a couple of save bug logs in the Discord bug-reports section.

To repeat it, just start the game, try to save (a message saying it was not possible to save will appear) and it fails. Go to Dealership -> Restock -> Play -> Save and it will be saved normally.

In fact, this also happens when I collect without restocking the dealership and try to save.

Hi again! I know you're in the Discord now, but for the benefit of you and everyone else, the mission rollover bug has now been fixed! Enjoy the game!

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Would LOVE to see horsepower ratings on the cards! extremely interesting game

Would also love to see a 08 Mazda3 HB and a 02 Lexus LS430 added


Thanks for discovering the game and enjoying it! Putting BHP on the cards would be tricky because all the cards would need to be remade, and currently I can’t add more cars because I’ve hit the file limit on Itch (trying to work on repackaging the game as a standalone app to circumvent this). Hope you’re still enjoying playing!

Cars don't get into my collection. Values get negative when I remove every card out of my hand, collect time becomes 0.

I missed that I have to click the rarity before I can see my cars in the collection.

Thanks for the feedback! I could definitely make that aspect of the collection clearer, as well as putting some protections in place to prevent the wonky things that happen when you try to collect without a full hand.

Deleted 333 days ago
Deleted 1 year ago

stop saying "this game" dumbass twink

Love you too